Smash Repairs: Three Considerations for Reducing Body Restoration Expenses

The restoration of an automotive body is an important procedure after any type of road accident. Smash repairs allow air to flow efficiently around the vehicle when you are driving, ensuring optimal performance. Additionally, fixing the distorted external panels will restore the visual appeal of your vehicle. Unfortunately, some smash repairs can cost a little more than you expected. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the potential expenses for the refurbishment work are minimal. Here are practical considerations to help you reduce the cumulative repair costs for a damaged vehicle body.

Paintless Dent Repair

Damaged vehicle body panels are normally repaired in auto body shops using panel beating techniques. These processes are considerably expensive because special tools are required for the repair. If you want to reduce the cost of the restoration process, ask the repair specialist about the availability of paintless dent removal services. Basically, this method involves straightening out the dents by pushing out the panels from the underside. This is a good choice when the paint surface is still intact and the dents are relatively shallow. When you use paintless dent repair, you will eliminate the need to repaint the surface because of the non-intrusive nature of the process.

DIY Scratch Repairs

You should consider choosing to repair some of the damage sustained by your vehicle body without professional intervention. You do not need prior experience or special skills to deal with some minor forms of damage. For example, vehicles will always sustain scratches after an accident, even when the body panels are otherwise undistorted. These should be repaired immediately after the incident because exposed metal panels are susceptible to rusting and corrosion. Professional repair shops will often sand, buff and repaint the surfaces during restoration. However, most of the scratches can be eliminated using DIY scratch-removing polishes, waxes and kits. These can be purchased from local auto shops or even online stores.

Used and Aftermarket Parts

Finally, you should consider the cost of acquiring replacement components for the auto body restoration processes. This can contribute significantly to the total repair expenses. Therefore, you should consider selecting used vehicle parts instead of new original alternatives. These are cheaper and can be obtained from local dealers. Alternatively, you can buy aftermarket replacement commodities. These are manufactured by third-party auto manufacturers and will cost significantly less than the original. On the other hand, you should check out the reputation of any aftermarket manufacturer before purchase to avoid sub-standard goods. 

About Me

Restoring my old beauty

I have a gorgeous old car, but the paint work sure let's you know it's old! Unfortunately my uncle had left it outside for many years and even under a tarp the Australian climate is not friendly to auto paint work. I have been trying to get the paint work back as close as possible to the original condition which is harder than it seems as modern paints have a much different finish and texture to genuine vintage paint jobs. This blog is about how to go about finding vintage paints, and faking vintage finishes with modern paints if you can't!

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